What is a braided Silicone hose?
Our PharmaSil braided silicone hoses are high spec, high purity and extremely flexible and versatile assemblies for pharmaceutical and general applications. The high-grade silicone liner provides a durable and lightweight surface to smoothly transfer pharmaceutical and sterile media up to 200°c. The polyester braid provides reinforcement to allow the hose to withstand increased pressure whilst remaining extremely flexible, with an excellent bend radius.
A choice of internal diameters from just ¼” (6.35mm) up to 1” (25.4mm) means silicone braided hoses can be used in intricate assemblies or larger more general purpose applications whilst still providing biopharmaceutical grade performance, taste and odour free delivery and smooth, seamless construction. These silicone hoses meet a whole range of stringent standards most notably USP VI and EU Pharmacopoeia. You can find out more about our silicone lined hoses here.
The silicone liner and cover of the braided hose allows end fittings to be permanently swaged, ensuring the highest hygiene standards. Shawlok Stainless steel couplings can be fitted to your specification, including Triclamp, DIN 11851, RJT connectors, SMS, IDF, BSP and BSPT fittings for maximum compatibility with your existing equipment.